• +256 759 422 811|
  • Busia Uganda |
  • Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5.00PM

Business skills

Farm Management

Soil Sampling before planting

Soil sampling is important as it; Measures the nutrients that are left in your field following harvest. Tells you which nutrients are lacking or are in excess throughout the soil in a field. Helps you determine the most favorable fertilizer plan to increase or maintain yields for the following year.

Grafting of Mangoes

Grafted mango trees take a shorter time to start flowering and produce fruits. More trees can be accommodated per unit of land as trees grafted on a dwarfing rootstock grow less vigorously.

Weather forecasting

Forecast on rainfall and temperature helps farmers to plan what to plant and when to do it. it helps them to put measures in place to reduce the devastating impacts of extreme vents on their livelihoods.

Farm Irrigation

Farm irrigation helps to grow crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during times of below-average rainfall.


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